Christmas is Coming

Here at Goldstream, we're excited for the holiday season. We've been putting green, red, and white bikes out in front of the store and polishing up the gear snowflakes that hang from our ceiling. To help make your Christmas season just a little more fun, we're also doing our best…

– Lifetime Tune-Up Packages

Goldstream Bicycles is thrilled to announce our new Lifetime Tune-Up package. This package offers you annual tune-ups for as long as you own the bike, for a one-time fee of $99.99 (if purchased with a bike). Most bicycles benefit from an annual tune-up, which not only makes their gears and…

– Metchosin Day Dirt-Jump Jam

Philip Manning, who rides for Goldstream Bicycles in the Kona Grassroots programme, is doing a Metchosin Day Dirt Jam Sunday, September 11th, at the Metchosin municipal bike park. Participation is free, and anyone interested is encouraged to go ride with him and other local dirt jumpers anytime between noon and…

– Open Labour Day

Goldstream Bicycles is open spring and summer stats, so Labour Day is the last statutory holiday we will be open for 2011. We will have a mechanic on staff for those flat repairs and other consequences of your long weekend ride, and also be there for those back-to-school bike sales.…

– the HST referendum re: bikes

With the deadline approaching for submitting HST referendum ballots approaching, we are getting a lot of questions regarding the HST referendum and bicycles from people who are undecided. Here is how the HST affects bikes. At present bicycles are taxed at 12%. The provincial government has proposed to drop the…