POLL: What hours would you like to see us open?

Your opinion matters to us, and we’re interested in knowing what store hours would be most convenient for you. Our current hours are 9-5:30 most days, but we are open a little earlier (Thursday at 8am), and Friday we stay open a little later (7pm). Sunday we’re open 10-5:30. How do those work for you? Would opening at 8AM every weekday be a benefit to you? How about staying open until at least 6PM every evening? We are considering expanding our weekday hours to 8AM-6PM (though still open until 7PM on Friday). Below is a poll about that, with a couple of options (and you can select more than one option) plus a blank space for you add your own suggestions if your needs are quite different. We’d love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you, and please join us on Facebook and Twitter.