Enter to win a $100 gift card, and support charity at the same time, by getting a winter tune-up

Spring will be here in a matter of weeks. We’re celebrating the Countdown to Spring with specials between now and March 20th (the first day of spring):

Why wait for your spring tune-up? Get a tune-up on your bike now and be entered to win a $100 gift card. All tune-ups (including free after-sale tune-ups) are eligible. Refer a friend for a tune-up, and you both get additional entries. Plus, purchase any parts or accessories at the same time and we’ll donate 5% to charity!

Did you already get a tune-up this winter? Swing by the store, or message us on Facebook or Twitter and let us know so that we can enter you in the draw, and get additional entries by referring others you know that are due for tune-ups.

Check our Countdown to Spring for full details on this and other deals.